Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Who Is Responsible For The Holocaust - 1012 Words

Who is Responsible for the Holocaust? (Title) Kitty Hart-Moxon recalls, â€Å"Arrival in Auschwitz is a defining moment in your life. The doors open, you are thrown out, greeted by barking dogs, screaming figures with whips, a stench of burning flesh and a glow of fire† (Harding). Hart-Moxon’s vivid memories of violence stayed with her a lifetime. If a person was fortunate to survive the agony of the Holocaust, one was left battered, broken, and in most cases asking why. Although the Jews, political dissidents, homosexuals, and other groups targeted by the Nazis will never get their lives back, they can gain some solace from identifying the perpetrators of the Holocaust and using that knowledge to ensure it never happens again. Many people share the burden of the crimes committed during the Holocaust, yet the three groups that can be allotted the most blame are top SS officers who planned the mass exterminations, the citizens of Germany who voted for and supported Hitler, and minor SS officers who carried out day -to-day duties. Out of all the parties that are in some way responsible for the Holocaust, the top SS officers to planned and create the means to the Final Solution are the most responsible because their cruelty shows meticulous planning and a genius that few others could have achieved. For instance, according to the USHMM, â€Å"In the autumn of 1941, SS chief Heinrich Himmler assigned German General Odilo Globocnik (SS and police leader for the Lublin District) with theShow MoreRelatedThe Holocaust : Holocaust Revisionism And The Holocaust720 Words   |  3 PagesSkylar Traub Ms. Del Rosario Period 1 13 November 2017 Holocaust Revisionists Revisionism is a type of moral and intellectual plaque that has spread like wildfire. Historical Revisionists have created a conspiracy of mental dishonesty and outright lies. Deniers have influenced others to believe the Holocaust is a historical fraud. Their beliefs compromise people’s perception when dealing with the validity of historical facts. Although historical revisionists are trying to falsify history by claimingRead MoreThe Victims Of The Holocaust1005 Words   |  5 Pagesof the Holocaust, one was left battered, broken, and in most cases asking why. Although the Jews, political dissidents, homosexuals, and other groups targeted by the Nazis will never get their lives back, they can gain some solace from identifying the perpetrators of the Holocaust and using that knowledge to ensure it never happens again. Many people share the burden of the crimes committed during the Holocaust, yet the three groups that can be allotted the most blame are top SS officers who pla nnedRead MoreHitler s Willing Executioners And Christopher Browning s Book Ordinary Men1101 Words   |  5 Pagess Willing Executioners and Christopher Browning s book ordinary Men. These books deal with the question of whether or not the average German soldiers and civilians were responsible for the holocaust. My research paper argues in favor of Goldhagen s book, the average German was responsible for the participation of he holocaust. 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Hitler also thought the Jews were responsible for Germany losingRead More Children of the Holocaust Essay983 Words   |  4 Pageshistorical precedent for it.† (Lukas, 13 Kindle) About 1.5 million children were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust—one million being killed because they were Jews ( The Germans had a clearly defined goal of killing the Jewish children so that there would be no remnants of their race to reproduce, resulting in extinction. Not only were the children that were victimized in the Holocaust persecuted and murdered, but they were all stripped of their child hood. Children were not allowed to beRead MoreGenocide of the Jewish Race: An Unthinkable Act800 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is it defined as? According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, genocide is defined as any crime committed with intent to destroy, in whole or part, a national, ethnical, or religious group. The Holocaust, during WWII, is one of the largest acts of genocide in human history resulting in an unfathomable amount of deaths of the Jewish race(Holocaust Encyclopedia). According to the Holocaust Museum Houston, over 5,800,000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Communists, trade unionists, socialistsRead MoreHolocaust Sociology Essay1561 Words   |  7 Pagesto Sociology 23 June 2012 Final Project, Assignment 2: Nazi Germany and Holocaust The Holocaust was the genocide of around six million European Jews during World War II. (Holocaust History) Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler had targeted every single Jew to be perished. Unfortunately Nazi Germany succeeded to murder two-thirds of the nine million Jews who were stationed in Europe. (Holocaust History) The Holocaust can be viewed at in many sociological perspectives of the sociologists mind.Read MoreThe Forgotten Victims : The Holocaust1450 Words   |  6 PagesGay Victims of the Holocaust as Sufferers of Genocide Yasmina Lawrence CHG 381 P. Spitzer Friday June 3rd, 2016 During the reign of the Third Reich, the symbolization of the pink triangle was used to identify the thousands of gay prisoners who were sent to extermination camps under Paragraph 175, the law that criminalized homosexuality between men. Researchers say that an estimated 5,000 to 15,000 gay men died in these camps, however this figure does not include those who were interned and

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